October 13, 2008

15 years ago

Pink Cookies and a refill

I've been feeling nostalgic lately. It was 15 years ago that I was at Ricks college living some of the best years of my life, making life long friends.

Maybe it's because I just helped a dear friend send her daughter off to college and I was telling Missy of all my great times. Or maybe it's thinking less than 15 years from now I will be sending my daughter off to college but, none the less I've thought a lot about those great days. It was a rough start and some rough times as I learned the lesson of LOVE. But, I'd do it all again!

I saw an orange pink cookie in St. George this weekend and it borough back memories of being poor and walking to Maverick and getting a pink cookie and a refill for my dollar and getting change. We use to go about once a week as a treat. Once I had a roommate who dated the Maverick guy so we got to more often and get FREE refills. Or I'd go home with Wendy my 2nd year and we'd stop for treats to sooth the pain of a lost love (boys the make you eat) (What was I thinking all broken hearted).

I love Granny B's cookies after I moved to Hawaii and Ky for a year I missed them. (now they have a cookie club, WOW)

Watching conference brought back memories as 15 years ago I sat on the lawn at temple square for the first time listening to conference and we stayed at Cindy's boyfriend parent's (now husband) cabin. Another great weekend I'd love to redo.

I spent my first birthday away from home and went to Jackson Hole, WY and it was snowing.

I think best of all 15 years ago I made friends I still talk to and see, friends who have seen me through my happy time and my hard times. Friends I could not live with out. Friends who we've cried together and laughed together. I had never belonged to a group of friends like them nor have I since. We had trials and together we grew stronger. I'm so thankful for them, for the blessings they have been in my life. I'm thankful they were all there when I got married. Girls when you read this we need a reunion. I have seen each of you in the past 6 years but, not all together in years. Thank you for your support and love the past 15 years. You've made my life worth living you've been great examples as you've shown me your faith in hard times, you've prayed with me and for me in all times. I love you Wendy, Katie, Corey and Cindy. May our friendship survive another 15 years. Here's a virtual happy sucker for ya ! Who can't be happy when your mouth is blue!

I know there are many more of you out there that I could not live with out either.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

16 years ago I met you, when you came with Sister Harris and Shanklin to teach me the gospel. I remember your mom and your little sister in the Blue Grass Ward. Your mom was so funny. She fell in love with my Sense and Sensibility movie and had to buy me a new one because she watched the other so much. I remember you going to Ricks because you got me my first set of real scriptures there. I also remember you going to BYU Hawaii because you got me Sister Shanklins contact info. Those were the good old days. Thanks for bringing back lots of memories.